Draughting for Hire Explained...
Drawing ownership
Any drawings produced whilst under contract by you are owned by you.
Any utility developed or used whilst undertaking the draughting task(s) are owned either by me or (in the case of third party utilities) by the respective owners.
Draughting and Payment Schedule
The sequence of events for a typical project are summarised in the table below. The draughting agreement mentioned below in step 4 would include a description and deadline for each subsequent step. Naturally, this agreement needs to be tailored to each unique situation.
You (client)do this:
I (draughter)does this:
(1) Initial contact. Provide a general description of the needed work.
(2) Check work schedule, etc. Confirm possibility of doing work. Provide a "ballpark" estimate of the time.
(3) Provide a detailed written description of work including all sources and deliverables.
(4) Compose a detailed agreement including progress report frequency and actual work fee.
(5) Sign & return agreement. Provide complete set of specifications, drawings, etc. needed to do the work.
(6) Undertake work with subsequently agreed progress reporting. Deliver work to customer.
(7) Customer reviews work within four weeks and reports any shortcomings or additional effort required in writing.
(8) Undertakes additional work to rectify shortcomings, give work fee for additional work. Deliver revised work to customer.
(9) Customer accepts work and pays agreed work fee.
Obviously steps 7 and 8 above may be repeated.
Smaller projects might combine some of the above steps. Larger projects might involve additional steps, such as more cycles of review and rework, staged deliveries and fee payments.
You can contact me at enquiry@ijcad.co.uk.